Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Never in my life...

I did wrong,
Made a wrong move,
Being hot-headed,
Being stubborn,
and always, hanging on my pasts,
why can't i let go of my pasts?
why am i living in phobia?
i really wanna wake up,
and I will be,
though we've come to the end of the road,
I'd cherish every single thing you did for me,
things that makes me remind of you every now and then,
things that we've done together, watching movies, cooking together,
going to college together, hearing problems of each other,
trying new things together, playing games together,
taking pictures together, celebrating valentines together, going holidays together,
window shopping together, being close together...
all this while i thought i would understand you,
but it takes me lots of pressure to learn it the hard way,
yet not one pressure ever stop me from loving you,
ever since we've broke up, never once i stop loving you,
that's true, everything isn't the same anymore.

I still remember the days when we're together,
we cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, while watching movie together,
i remember your faces, when you're sad, when you're really happy,
when you laugh out loudly, when you're angry, when you look innocent,
when you don't wish to talk to me, when you're satisfied, when you're sleepy,
when you are asleep, when you just woke up, when you're sick, when you make me happy, when you are happy, when you smiled, when you're pretending to be okay,
when you took care of me, when you're worried. every single tears of yours
has always been my biggest fear, times when we argued, we don't talk,
we don't look at each other, we are angry, we're pissed, those are the times,
i don't wish to remember, cause all i know, i was with you, and i wanted to make you
happy in every ways.. my ways wasn't right, the most important thing i didn't do,
was just to understand you a lil more, i should have taken every argument more into
consideration, instead of just forgetting it, and do it my own way..

Never in my life, i've ever loved someone so deeply, that it hurts even i don't think bout it,
it hurts when i'm driving alone, it hurts even the thought of it, it hurts while i'm with my family,
and sometimes, i cried as loud as i could, when there's no one around, i hide my tears while i'm around people, i cried quietly, when i'm with my parents, and i cried silently during the nights.
Never in my life, I felt so much love from someone, who can really change my life, who gave me happiness like no others could give, who always listen to my problems, to support me all the time, who makes me smile when i'm down, who took care when i'm sick, who stand by me when the whole world turns around, who gets me back on my feet, who's there just the sake of being there for me...

I still do, and will always do love you....

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